
Whether you are a Network Member, parent of a child in Scouting, or someone who is totally new to Scouting you’ve come to the right place.

One of the biggest myths about Scouting is that Groups are closing down due to a lack of adults wanting to become Members. Nothing could be further from the truth; The UK has over 400,000 young people enjoying Scouting, over 11,000 in Cheshire. Scouting is a growing Movement.

At the 14th SWC Scouts we currently have young people on our waiting lists for Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. If we can increase the number of Adults Leaders and/or Helpers then we can eliminate our waiting lists and these young people will be able to enjoy the adventure that much sooner. The commitment can be as small as 1 hour a month, or as much as you are willing to give!

‘I wasn’t involved in Scouting until someone asked me and I jumped at the chance. Adventure isn’t just for young people or those of us already wearing neckerchiefs; it’s for everyone. There’s lots of talent among our 800,000 parents. Let’s bring some of that into Scouting. Just ask – that’s all it takes.’

Chief Scout – Bear Grylls Scouts, UK